Thursday, 21 April 2011

A Weekend in Pinehouse and Île

We recently spent a weekend up in Pinehouse and Île-à-la-Crosse in prep for the six weeks we will be spending there this summer. Undoubtedly, everyone is excited to return soon!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Can You Jig It?

Feeling like brushing up on your dancing skills? If anyone is interested, there will be free jigging instruction on Saturday April 30 at St. Mary's School on 337 Avenue O South, just a block away from SWITCH at 3 PM. I had the chance to go last weekend and it was such a good time meeting people and getting taught with all these little kids in their classroom with their fantastic teacher Jennifer. I wasn't the oldest learner in the room, so don't be shy if you feel like going!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Here is a link to a cool project hosted by Black Public Media on Haiti. The description on the website says:

"Haiti: One Day, One Destiny" is a multi-media portal of stories about Haiti after the disastrous earthquake of 2010. The stories capture the day-to-day struggle of recovery, Haitian reflections on the profound loss they are coming to grips with, and the role culture and history play in rebuilding. The web videos, blogs, and live virtual conversations serve as a focus on Haitian culture, Haitian people, and one country’s road to recuperation."

This story in particular of a medical student who has put her own studies on hold to do damage control in her own community is...
well, just watch it.

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